Pressure Treated Fencing – Agricultural Fences

Agricultural posts have a variety of uses. They can be used as fence posts in agricultural areas or used to grow hops and other produce that requires vertical space. It is to be noted that Idaho is a “fence-out” state, meaning it is up to the landowners to fence livestock out of their land in rural areas.

Ag Fencing

Our agricultural posts are versatile and can be used for nearly any application. Smaller posts can be used to keep smaller livestock like chickens contained and others can be used to contain cows, or simply mark property lines.

Post Sizes Available

We process posts in 7′, 8′ and 10′ lengths and from 3″ thru 8″ diameters. These can have the bark left on, bark peeled off or peeled and pressure treated depending on your application.
Holiday Closures: Thanksgiving – Nov. 28th & 29th | Christmas – Dec. 24th (close at noon) & Dec. 25th | New Year’s – Jan. 1st