
We offer quality to size “rough cut lumber” in up 20’ in length. The process all starts with our logging crews sorting at the landing (in the timber sale) material suitable for post and pole, saw log, firewood or pulp. The logs are loaded and delivered, unloaded and stacked in the appropriate locations. Saw logs are bucked up (cut) into the correct lengths and moved to the deck, feeding our Woodmizer LT 300 industrial band saw. The logs are then cut up with the goal to yield as many recoverable boards as the log allows. Once the boards are cut, some are stacked into corresponding bunks and some are run through our 4” Meadows Board Edger to cut any wane out and produce boards with square corners. The biggest benefit of our bandsaw is that we can recover more lumber because of the thin band saw blade versus a thicker circle saw blade.

Besides our Woodmizer sawmill, we also have a Fastline Scragg mill. With the vertical blades installed we produce our Parma Ties. These 8” timbers are a great railroad tie alternative that can be stacked for raised gardens, retaining walls or as a post. This is achieved by first feeding the log onto a positioning deck where the log is rotated to produce the highest yield. The two vertical band saws are set at 5” or 6” apart to cut the sides off. The side boards fall onto a deck and the slabs are sent through the edger to recover 4” or 6” wide material for privacy boards or pallet stock. With the vertical blades removed and the one horizontal blade installed we take our 8’ and 7’ posts in a 6 ½” diameter and cut one flat side. This is a great post to use when attaching sawn lumber for a multi-rail board fence.
Holiday Closures: Thanksgiving – Nov. 28th & 29th | Christmas – Dec. 24th (close at noon) & Dec. 25th | New Year’s – Jan. 1st