Idaho Wood Preserving

Pressure-treated lumber is wood that is placed in a pressure chamber and immersed in a liquid preservative. The chamber pushes the preservative chemical deep into the wood fibers. Using a pressure chamber ensures that the chemical permeates throughout the wood, instead of merely soaking it, which risks having untreated sections of wood. Pressure treating wood is ideal for outdoor uses as it preserves and protects the wood against pests and wood rot. This can help to preserve your wood for up to decades longer than untreated wood.

Our treat plant utilizes an 80’x 6’ pressure treating retort, three 16,000-gallon work tanks, two 10,000 concentrate tanks, and an 18,000 bulk water tank, all housed in an 18,000 square foot heated building. We own and operate the only pressure treating plant in nearly 400 miles!

Important Notice

In 2007, Parma Post and Pole, Inc. built a state-of-the-art wood preserving facility to treat our wood products and future customers. The nearest wood preserving facilities were in Salt Lake City, Reno, Portland or Spokane. Having our own treating plant offered us some huge advantages and future growth opportunities.

Since 2007 we have been treating with a chemical call ACQ, or Naturewood, manufactured by Koppers. Koppers is that largest wood preserving chemical manufacturer in the US and services over 400 wood treating plants around the world. In the last several years, many new technologies and advances in chemicals started our discussion to change our wood treating chemical formulations. This decision was not taken lightly or without serious considerations about how this change would affect our customers.

In the spring of 2019, we decided it was best to make the change to ensure a continued supply of chemical without the possible interruption of Quat (a component of ACQ). Upon further discussion with Koppers we discovered that ACQ and CAC are almost interchangeable in the eyes of the AWPA. This further cemented our decisions to change.
To learn more about CAC please visit our chemical manufactures web site at and look for the Naturewood tab. From here you can view many documents regarding end uses, disposing of wood, Safety data Sheets and safe handling procedures. Please know your confidence in our products is very important to us! If we can be of any further assistance, please do not hesitate to call.
Holiday Closures: Thanksgiving – Nov. 28th & 29th | Christmas – Dec. 24th (close at noon) & Dec. 25th | New Year’s – Jan. 1st